Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight...

So why would anyone have a cat bed in their own bedroom, you ask?

Well, when you've got seven cats and only one single sized bed, it's a necessity.

Shortly after I moved into my dad's place I discovered that even one of his cats could take up enough room on my bed to give me an uncomfortable sleep. So when I went to a charity silent auction and saw this cat bed, I bid for it.

(Thank heavens I got it too, because that once cute and tiny kitten that took up too much space? He's the size of a lion cub at only 7 months old now, I swear.)



  1. Haha, I know exactly what you mean. Bloody cats. I have one that will spend all night outside my window, complaining until I open it, and then sleep as close to me as possible (which is rather uncomfortable). Then after a few hours, she'll get bored and jump on my desk, knocking things onto the floor until I let her out again.

    That being said, I love her to bits =p

    But SEVEN cats? You dear, are just ASKING for trouble =p

  2. That's cats for ya. :)

    They technically aren't my cats, they're dad's. But I'm still their human.
