Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight...

So why would anyone have a cat bed in their own bedroom, you ask?

Well, when you've got seven cats and only one single sized bed, it's a necessity.

Shortly after I moved into my dad's place I discovered that even one of his cats could take up enough room on my bed to give me an uncomfortable sleep. So when I went to a charity silent auction and saw this cat bed, I bid for it.

(Thank heavens I got it too, because that once cute and tiny kitten that took up too much space? He's the size of a lion cub at only 7 months old now, I swear.)


Monday, November 24, 2008

That's one big clock!

I figured I'd start with possibly the most awesome thing I own. My alarm clock.

Granted, I don't actually use it, because my parents would kill me, but anyway.

I received this as a 'gift' from my mother back when I was in year 11, mostly because she was sick of me sleeping in and missing classes. This clock is the size of my HEAD, it has it's own light, and the alarm sounds like that of the fire department's and can be heard down the street. It amuses me to bring this thing out to show my friends, and it almost cost me $40 transporting it from Tasmania to W.A in August.

I've slept through this alarm more times than I can count. ;)


First things first...


I'm Sparky. I'm 19 years old, an aspiring tattooist and still living at home with my father in Australia. I'm a massive Stargate fan, Hello Kitty fan, and I spend nine/tenths of my time online.

So I decided to create this blog. Now, I'm no David Hewlett when it comes to blogging (check him out here, the guy is hysterical) but I'm gonna give it a shot.

The idea behind my posts is going to involve taking photos of the random things I buy/have in my room, then posting a little about why I have it, how I got it and what the hell it does. I could photograph anything. ;) And c'mon, who hasn't wanted to know what's in a complete stranger's bedroom, and why they have it? I sure have.

Anyway, stay tuned. Fun things will come.
